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阅读量:2962     2020.10.26 作者:  二毛


1.—What would you like to ______________ (点菜),Sir?

—Let me have a look at the menu,please.

2.—Do you often read books on history?

—I ______________ (很少;不常)read them because I think they are not so interesting.

3. Millie, ______________ (收集)some Chinese stamps for Anderson.

4. I think this pair of shoes ______________ (适合;合身)you very well.

5. Can you see the ______________ (礼物)on the table? They're for you.

6. Boys in our class like ______________ (练习)football after school.

7. David, dinking too much Coke isn't good for your ______________ (健康).

8. Mike likes reading books, He'd like to read something for ______________ (乐趣).

9. Suzhou is a ______________ (现代的;新式的)city with many beautiful parks and big shopping malls.

10. Sandy buys a blue blouse. It ______________ (相配)her black skirt.

11. My father ______________ (运动)after getting up every morning,

12. She often ______________ (穿)red clothes at school.

13. We practise ______________ (猜;猜测)the game in one second.

14. ______________ (人人)in my class likes our English teacher.

15. ______________ (地理)is one of my favourite subjects.

16. Give my best ______________ (祝愿)to your parents.

17. Mrs. Brown is sitting ______________ (在……中)her students and telling them a story,

18.—Where do you come from?

一______________ (什么,请再说一遍)?I can't hear you.

19. Look, there's nothing______________ (在里面).

20. The ______________ (总计的)number of the students in our school is 4408.

21. Sorry, that jacket is too sma1L Can we see ______________ (别的;不同的)one?

22. The price ______________ (包含)all the cost of your meals.

23. Thanks, ______________ (女士)and gentlemen, for coming to our school.

24. I can't find my ______________ (钱包).Maybe I leave it at home.

25. She likes ______________ (聊天)with her friends at lunchtime.

26. There are all kinds of ______________ (收音机)in the supermarket.

27. The ______________ (整个的)family will have a big dinner at home on that day.

28. They have hot drinks and fruit ______________ (在……之间)meals.

29. The boy is very hungry, so he wants to have both ______________ (汉堡包).

30. You must eat ______________ (少)meat than before.

31. They spend at least one week ______________ (庆祝)the new year.

32. Thirteen is old ______________ (足够)to look after yourself.

33. Barbies, colouring books, ______________ (课后的)sports are other kids' worlds, not ours.

34. He keeps ______________ (日记)every day.

35. Swimming is among my ______________ (业余爱好).

36. All the girls like to use Mito Xiuxiu to take nice ______________ .

37. Everyone in the world is special, and everyone is ______________ from others.

38. At the Mid-Autumn Festival, all family members get ______________ and eat moon cakes.

39. We must remember all the ______________ (英雄)names.

40. She ______________ (购物)with her mother every Saturday afternoon.

41. They ______________ (每一个)have a notebook in their bag.

42. They are all ______________ (主人)of the e-dogs.

43. Did you watch a film after visiting the ______________ (博物馆)yesterday?

44. Mr. Wu teaches us my favourite subject ______________ (生物).

45. We will have a ______________ (野餐)in the park this weekend.

46. Sometimes my brother______________ (放)a kite with me on Sunday.

47. Is the shop ______________ (开)now?

48. Jenny is good at ______________ (谈论)with her friends on the Internet.

49. He's the ______________ (世界)highest paid artist.

50. Mrs. Guo spends all her money ______________ (买)a fine car for her son.

51. The ring is ______________ (特别;专门)made for her.

52. I only have time for a ______________ (小吃)at lunchtime.

53. You look______________ (衣着讲究的;精干的)in that suit than usual.

54. Didn't you hear all the ______________ (叫嚷;叫喊)?

55.—I'm going down to the shopping mall. Can I get you anything?

—A______________ (一包)of crisps.

56. Do what ______________ (好像;似乎)the best to you.

57. She didn't give any ______________ (原因;理由)for her plan.

58. Australia finished twenty ______________ (分数)ahead.

59. It's one of the ______________ (贫穷的)countries in the world.

60. You're very ______________ (安静的)today.

61. Take your hands out of your______________ (口袋).

62. My father often______________ (看


)newspapers at lunchtime.

63. The bar is for VIP______________ (仅;只).

64. Large______________ (数;数量)of animals have died.

65. He sat taking ______________ (笔记;便条)of everything that was said.

66. When I get your______________ (信),I am always happy to read them.

67. Doesn't he give you the book you ______________ (借)him yesterday?

68. The boy ______________ (搬)a lot of books for his teacher every day.

69. TFBOYS are so ______________ (受欢迎的)among young people.

70. Her skin is as ______________ (光滑的)as silk.

71. Wearing sports clothes feels so______________ (舒服的).

72. The Spring Festival is an important festival in China, and it's usually in January or _____________(二月).

73.—What's the ______________ today?

—It's January 22nd.

74. The fish______________ nice. Can I have some more?

75. On ______________ ,we needn't go to school and have a good rest at home.

76.—Which is your favourite ______________ ?

—The Spring Festival.

77. Morning exercises help us get ______________ for the day.

78. There are many_______________(瓶子)of juice in the supermarket.

79. My parrot is clever enough to learn to ______________ (重复) the words I say.

80. As ______________ (通常), Andy goes swimming in the afternoon with his good friend David.

81. He ______________ (想知道) how to cook when he saw his father cook nice food.

82. My father is an office worker in a big company. He is______________ (超过)forty years old now.

83. The oldest library in town is two ______________ (世纪) old.

84. Please knock on the door before______________ (进入)the room.?

85. He is looking forward to______________ (饲养) some goldfish .

86. The English teacher ______________ (点头) when Tom answered the questions well

87. Suzy plays basketball well. She will get into the school team next______________ (学期).

88. The silly thief got into a bedroom and______________ (藏) himself under the bed.

89. Please ______________ (敲) on the door first before you go into the office.

90. ______________ (相信) it or not, I did the work on my own.

91. We took the______________ (虚弱的) dog to the animal centre.

92. You have to do all the exercises before you open the______________ (宝藏) box.

93. The little boy can ______________ (伸手够到) the book on the shelf.

94. Tony was very ______________ (粗心) with his homework and his teacher was angry with him.

95. Different people have different ______________. (能力)

96. We'll have a meeting to ______________ (决定) what to do.

97. Her back was badly______________ (受伤) in the big fire.

98. People in the West______________ (庆祝) Halloween in many ways.

99. Eddy seldom ______________ (锻炼).

100. On a______________ (特殊的)day, we will wear different clothes to celebrate it.


1. order 2. seldom 3. collect 4. fits 5. presents

6. practising 7. health 8. fun 9. modern 10. matches

11. exercises 12. wears 13. guessing 14. Everyone 15. Geography

16. wishes 17. among 18. Pardon 19. inside 20. total

21. another 22. includes 23. ladies 24. wallet 25. chatting

26. radios 27. whole 28. between 29. hamburgers 30. less

31. celebrating 32. enough 33. after-school 34. diaries 35. hobbies

36. pictures/photos 37. different 38. together 39. heroes' 40. shops

41. each 42. masters 43. museum(s) 44. Biology 45. picnic

46. flies 47. open 48. talking 49. world's 50. buying

51. specially 52. snack 53. smarter 54. shouts 55. packet

56. seems 57. reasons 58. points 59. poorest 60. quiet

61. pockets 62. reads 63. only 64. number 65. notes

66. letters 67. lent 68. carries 69. popular 70. smooth

71. comfortable 72. February 73. date 74. tastes 75. weekends

76. festival 77. ready 78. bottles 79. repeat 80. usual

81. wondered 82. over 83. centuries 84. entering 85. raising

86. nodded 87. term 88. hid 89. knock 90. Believe

91. weak 92. treasure 93. reach 94. careless 95. abilities

96. decide 97. hurt 98. celebrate 99. exercises 100. special









